Simplifying life for food scientists
Our sensory software with Artificial Intelligence digitally measures the senses of taste and smell so that you get easy-to-interpret data and can make fast, accurate decisions with confidence.

While the competition is still sorting through mountains of spreadsheets, your product is tested and approved and on the way to market.
♦ Food science is complicated.
♦ Extracting and interpreting data from multiple sources is exhausting and inaccuracies can occur.
♦ The decisions you make about food and beverage product development can be stressful and time consuming.

Imagine unlimited access to accurate and easy to interpret data that’s ready when you need it.
✔ Customizable applications create the sensory measurements your organization needs so you can make faster, more confident decisions.
✔ We get it - the complex nature of all this data blocks you from solving problems and making the decisions you’re responsible for.
✔ For over 20 years, the Ajinomatrix research network has been involved in fundamental and theoretical sensory research standardization.
✔ Our data is easy to interpret, share, and reuse across the industry.

Here's how to work with us

✔ Improve your panels
✔ Analyze your sensory results better
✔ Interpret sensory data easier

Common Questions
What does Ajinomatrix do exactly?We are a software-only operation. We interface with consumers, tasting judge panels, and sensors such as e-noses or e-mouths in order to help you interpret your sensory measurements with artificial intelligence.
It all sounds great, but what does this app actually do?"On demand you can access a mock-up of our base application and try it for the family of products you are working on. It's as simple as that! It's a matter of taste! Contact us today!
How will you eventually enable digitization as offering the mp3 of olfaction and gustation?We won't divulge the secret sauce, but, publishing as much as we can about it, it is possible to standardize measurements, and to create a global model that will render files that eventually will become compatible once the whole operation of taste and scent measurement becomes digital.
How can I try the application?There are several ways. We will soon publish open source algorithms we’re working on with certain product families. Also, you can contact us to work on a proof of concept for your specific application.